Certification Courses
Gain certification and recertifcation for lifesaving EMS skills from Med-Tech EMS. Our courses include Emergency Medical Technician, Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support, Emergency Pediatric Care, Prehospital Trauma Life Support, Advanced Stroke Life Support, CRP, First Aid, Emergency Medical Responder, and more. Our classes are comprehensive and adhere to EMS protocols. Contact us today for scheduling or to register.
Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support
Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) build on the foundation of Basic LIfe Saving skills by emphasizing continuous, high-quality CPR. This course reflects science and education from the American Heart Association Guidelines Update for CPR and Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC). This course is designed for healthcare professionals who direct or participate in the management of cardiopulmonary arrest or other emergencies and for emergency response personnel.
Advanced Stroke Life Support
The Advanced Stroke Life Support course builds on the foundation of lifesaving skills with the goal of educating prehospital and in hospital healthcare providers to optimize the identification, evaluation, and treatment of stroke patients. It also educates students to identify the five main stroke syndromes and relate them to pathophysiology and clinical signs. The objective of the ASLS course is to explain the importance of an organized approach to treating stroke patients to improve patient outcomes. The ASLS course meets the education requirements for the Stroke Center Certification.
Prehospital Trauma Life Support
Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS) courses provide a prehospital care philosophy focused on the need to treat the multisystem trauma patient as a unique entity with specific needs that may require an approach to the patient that varies from traditional treatments. PHTLS courses are based on the Advanced Trauma Life Support course for physicians developed by the American College of Surgeons – Committee on Trauma. PHTLS follows the principles of care for trauma patients developed by the Committee on Trauma.
Emergency First Responder
Emergency First Response courses encompass adult, child and infant CPR, first aid skills, and incorporate Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) training and emergency oxygen use. Emergency First Response also offers comprehensive First Aid training designed to meet national and international compliance standards for CPR and first aid courses for first responders.
Emergency First Response courses are flexible in design to accommodate scheduling and training needs. The Emergency First Response courses build rescuer confidence to provide care when faced with a medical emergency. Participants learn and practice the same patient care techniques and principles medical professionals use but at a first responder level.
Emergency Pediatric Care
Emergency Pediatric Care (EPC) is an educational program designed by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians, and it’s available to all medically licensed personnel, including MFR, EMT, paramedic, nurse, physician assistant, and physician working within the EMS profession.
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Start your journey today in the medical field with Med Tech EMS!
For inquiries regarding class registration, bill payment, membership, medical necessity forms, or any other questions, please contact us below.